Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sikhs Serving Habitat For Humanity (Second Time)

On Saturday, June 17, 2009, Sikh Serving Canada got another opportunity to visit the Elliott House Heritage Build site at 120 & 122 Sled Dog Rd., Brampton. This house is a 19th century heritage home, called the "George Elliott House" named after its owner who built it in the 1860's. It's interesting to note that the house was moved to this new location where it will be refurbished and rehabilitated into a semi-detached home – a first for Habitat for Humanity (HFH) in North America!

Most of our duties involved various types of exterior painting. Painting of trims, pillars, window frames, ceilings, decorative frames and other designs. Requiring about five or six ladders we all went to work, enjoying a cool breeze at 22 degrees. What I enjoyed most however, was the assistance I got from some of the volunteer coordinators; they gave some tutorials on exterior painting best practices and how to's.

Besides getting to learn a few important things to know around the house, you get the opportunity to meet other volunteer's and share your experiences. It's always an enjoyable and fun atmosphere, in an informal setting. I hope to see more eager volunteer's at George Elliotts House in the future as well as other Sikh's Serving Canada (SSC) volunteer opportunities.

SSC gives me the ability to do volunteer work with a group of people who also enjoy giving their time to their communities. I really enjoyed my time, though short, at HFH and I hope to be back very soon!

Thank you for reading.
-- Gagandeep Singh

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